Morning Sun Café - 아침해 카페
변함없이 찾아 주셔서 감사 합니다
Dear dad,
Thank you for sharing your new
website "Morning Sun Cafe" with us!
It is an amazing accomplishment and
is a reflection of your enthusiasm for life, dedication to learning, and
wonderful generosity.
Your website contains a rich
compilation of all that is important to you -- family, students, Korean history
and culture, art and music, love and friendship, and the pursuit of knowledge.
It is a special place for family to gather and remember all the milestones
we've shared. It is a haven for friends old and new to meet. It is a retreat
with something for everyone to peruse and savor.
The website also attests to your
love for learning. With the help of your teacher Mr. Stephen Cook, you have
mastered the most complicated of computer knowledge well beyond that of your
children. In the past years, you have impressed us with your photo shop skills,
music files, and video creations. And now, you have brought all that together
in one site for all to enjoy.
Lastly, your website reflects your
wonderful generosity. Thank you for taking the time to glean through myriad of
articles and files to bring us the most helpful of links on learning about
Korean language and Korean history. The children of the next generation will
learn from the wisdom of the previous generation through this medium.
Your family and friends are able to
enjoy the fruits of your many hours of labor. I hope "Morning Sun
Cafe" will continue to be a source of intellectual stimulation, challenge
and joy for you as well as for all of the people that are special in your life!
방문하신그대의 모습이 너무나 아름 답읍니다 -향기나는 MSCcafe아침해 카페 에서…
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